Ingraham: Dems are ‘super-spreaders of fear, false information and hypocrisy’

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This is is a rush transcript from “The Ingraham Angle,” May 10, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


HANNITY: Just another friendly segment of the Sean Hannity Show, that’s it.

INGRAHAM: Wait, someone get a spatula, Jimmy Kimmel is on the floor. We’ve got to pick him up.

HANNITY: No, we had a little spat back in the day and if he wants me to remind his bosses at Disney of all the crap that he’s done over the years, frankly, are pretty ignorant to use his words. I’ll be glad to pick that fight, but I’m going to leave – the balls in his court. I’d advise him not to talk about me anymore. That’s my advice.

INGRAHAM: I’m just glad I never watched the late night shows. I don’t even know who’s – which one is which, I think I know whose Stephen Colbert is, because I was on his show. But I don’t know the names of the other people. I always get them interspersed or whatever.

HANNITY: Let me put it this way. Late night shows, late night as we once knew it is dead.

INGRAHAM: All right. Yes, well, this show isn’t–

HANNITY: So, is Gutfeld. I like Gutfeld.

INGRAHAM: I’m going to take over. All right, Hannity, good show.

HANNITY: Take it away.

INGRAHAM: I’m Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight; Detroit’s James Craig has been one of the longest serving police chiefs in the nation. But now in the middle of what he calls unprecedent anti-police sentiment, he’s stepping down. He’s here tonight to tell us whether he’s going to take on Governor Witless Whitmer in the future. Oh, that’s good.

And you will not believe what some Louisiana residents told our own Raymond Arroyo about Joe Biden’s visit to the state. He reveals that and a lot more in Seen and Unseen. But first, the great Biden backfire. That’s the focus of tonight’s ANGLE.

Now, we’re almost four months into the Biden Administration, if you can, believe it or not. And it’s clear that things are not going according to plan. And let’s consider the facts. First, Biden’s attempt to take credit for the decline in COVID cases and then of course plethora of the vaccines. It’s not working. It’s an utter failure. Operation Warp Speed was launched almost a year ago, if you can believe that on May 15, 2020.

If you like the fact that we have millions of vaccines for adults who want them, you have one politician to thank. And that’s Donald J. Trump. By the time President Biden grimaced through his first inaugural address COVID had essentially already been solved. But of course, Team Doom never wants you to feel comfortable in the old normal ever again. Even when the news is good, it’s never really good enough.

Now, yesterday, it was Mother’s Day. I hope you all had a great Mother’s Day. But what about Mother’s Day 2022.


DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, CHIEF MEDICAL ADVISOR TO THE PRESIDENT: I believe that we will be about as close to back to normal as we can. And there’s some conditions to that, George, we’ve got to make sure that we get the overwhelming proportion of the population vaccinated. When that happens, the virus doesn’t really have any place to go. There aren’t a lot of vulnerable people around.


INGRAHAM: There’s always a catch with the Anthony Fauci. If we’re up to Fauci, you couldn’t get your freedom back or ever take your masks off? Unless a magical and ever-changing percentage of Americans get the vaccine? He doesn’t think you should have your own freedom to manage your own risk profile. No, no, no, no, no.

Now even UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who’s draconian lockdown policies have done enormous damage to businesses and kids alike there, he lifted the mask mandate for kids returning to school, inside and outside. But Biden’s team and many blue state governors still will not let go of that power. You have to behave, you have to take your shot, wear your mask, or you’re going to be grounded children.


JEFFREY ZIENTS, WHITE HOUSE COVID-19 RESPONSE COORDINATOR: Guidance across time will allow vaccinated people more and more privileges to take off that mask.

XAVIER BECERRA, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SECRETARY: That’s why the indoor policy should still be masking, you could end up being a carrier not know it. And if somebody hasn’t been vaccinated or doesn’t wear a mask, guess what, there’s still that potential of getting COVID.


INGRAHAM: Well, he’s a carrier of ignorance, since everyone who wants a vaccine can get a vaccine now, how does this make any sense whatsoever? And what happened to liberal’s favorite go to line, my body my choice? Well, I guess that’s out the window. Now it’s apparently your body, Fauci’s choice. These people are super spreaders of fear, false information and hypocrisy. And as a result, more Americans, they’re just tuning them out.

Even those living in deep blue states like Massachusetts, they’re now protesting these arbitrary rules.


BETH HUMBERD, UMASS ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR: It had the outdoor mask mandate lifted largely for adults in many sectors of the economy here are starting to reopen. And what happened with us parents is, we realized as all of those steps forward are happening, largely none of them apply to our children. We’re wondering why our children in our state being held to stricter rules than adults.


INGRAHAM: But in red States where Americans are free to make their own choices, masks and social distancing, they’re largely over. If you caught the Atlanta Braves game this weekend, you saw a stadium that was basically at capacity, people were packed in. You can’t really see it there, but it was a lot of fun. Fans were having a blast.

Meanwhile, this is what Yankee Stadium look like. Why would anyone choose to go to such a sad, dreary place? And why is still New York doing this? Cuomo has said that most restrictions can be lifted on May 19th. But why May 19th? Why not immediately open up America.

Also, if Biden truly thought that they could waltz in and take credit for Trump’s successes, I’ll tell you those dreams came crashing down after last week’s abysmal jobs report. It turns out that needless lockdowns plus extended unemployment benefits plus idiotic capacity restrictions and mask mandates did not help generate the 1 million jobs predicted. But I guess it’s not that big of a deal. They were only what 734,000 jobs short.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Because of the American rescue plan, for credit forecasters are projected, we’ll see the fastest economic growth in nearly 40 years in the months to come. We’re moving in the right direction.


INGRAHAM: The right direction. For whom? The super-rich who don’t really care what fuel costs are, what food prices are, they’re skyrocketing under Biden. And things are great for migrants who can walk right in, no questions asked, get free health care, free schooling, free food stamps, the list goes on. And it’s definitely going in the right direction for human smugglers who tossed toddlers over the border wall and drug traffickers who are making a killing literally, as they fuel more overdoses in the United States.

This Biden scam is slowly unraveling. Now, who can honestly say that the hundreds of thousands of federal government employees, their essential if they’re not even back in the office working yet, many of the bureaucrat’s big surprise, they’re happy to stay-at-home and be paid. And it’s not clear that Biden will never be able to get Washington back to work, place is a ghost town.

So, why should we keep paying the salaries of unproductive people inside the beltway who refuse to actually return to work? And it looks like the American people agree. A recent poll found that 60 percent of Americans opposed raising federal taxes to pay for this nonsense, 66 percent oppose raising income taxes. Likewise, 64 percent said the tax hikes will hurt jobs and the economy. But no surprise 52 percent said, Democrats want to put in place a big tax and spend welfare state, because that’s worked out so well in the EU.

Again, this is why Democrats have to keep us in crisis mode. But this narrative crumble when you look at where life is good, and has been pretty much back to normal for some time now. The Wall Street Journal highlighted three breakout cities that are driving the U.S. economic recovery, including Greenville, South Carolina, Des Moines, Iowa, and Provo, Utah. And Greenville, the unemployment rate was 4.3 percent in March, well below the national rate of 6 percent that month, in Des Moines, the rate was 4.1 percent, Provo had one of the lowest unemployment rates in the U.S. that month, about 2.5 percent. Wow. The payrolls in March, set a record high.

Now, what do all those booming cities have in common? Ding, ding, ding. None of them are in blue states. So, the longer these trends continued, the farther ahead the conservative parts of America will be.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have the strongest revenues that anyone has ever seen in the state. The economy is performing well, people are happy and as you know, there are people moving here because they want a whiff of freedom.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Our kids have been in school all year. They’re doing well. We have the fastest growing economy in the country.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They were rocking and rolling last night at Truist Park. Unbelievable environment. 100 percent capacity, time to send the message.


INGRAHAM: Yes, you bet. Of course, all of this has Republicans amped up for 2022 with the red state governors is doing. It’s working. So, the GOP is unifying behind winning policies and states like you just saw. In Florida, Georgia, Texas, South Dakota, they’re bringing a message of freedom and prosperity to the American people.

So, Democrats know they’re in trouble. That’s why they so desperately cling to this pandemic paranoia. And when that stops working, they seamlessly shift back to climate change and racism. It’s also predictable to us. It’s just boring. It’s negative. It’s totally uninspiring. And when those Biden bucks, they dry up when they’ve all been spent and the unemployment check stop. We’re going to see how likable Old Joe is, and how wonderful his agenda really will be. And that’s THE ANGLE.

Tonight, the FDA gave the green light to Pfizer’s COVID vaccine for kids aged 12 to 15. And the reaction to the news, it’s quite revealing.


WOLF BLITZER, CNN HOST: This is another critical victory in the U.S. fight against the pandemic.

ELIZABETH COHEN, CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: It is going to make a big difference in our lives, it changes what we can do, it opens up what we can do and who we can be with.

NICOLE WALLACE, MSNBC HOST: This seems like a huge, huge, huge deal for the country’s fight against COVID. And for parents who have been terrified for the better part of 14 months.


And that’s not all, the FDA is holding a meeting next month on giving this vaccine to even younger children, got to keep going. Joining me now, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Stanford University Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology. Dr. Bhattacharya, is this a huge, huge deal as that said for the country.

DR. JAY BHATTACHARYA, PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE, STANFORD: No, I don’t think if there’s any good reason to vaccinate kids that young did for kids, they face a vanishingly small risk from COVID itself, near zero from mortality from COVID. At the same time, they haven’t really tested the vaccine on enough children to know that with any confidence with the adverse – serious adverse event rate is anything more than zero. And you say you wouldn’t the balanced this doesn’t work. Why would I vaccinate my kid against something but disease for whom but it’s not actually all that deadly? Where there’s might be some serious adverse events, I think that it is a mistake to think about this, as good for kids. It’s not good for kids.

And for the disease itself, for the spread of the disease itself. It’s not necessary to vaccinate kids to end the epidemic. That is just a false idea. What’s needed and that what we’ve done is to vaccinate the old and vulnerable. Once you’ve done that, they face an enormous risk of disease from COVID, harm from COVID if they get infected, once you’ve taken – once you vaccinated and taken them out of that pool, we defang the disease. That’s really good news. I have no idea, why we’re not sharing the good news, we’ve taken out the pool of people who would normally die from the disease.

Normally, we think when cases go up, that oh, my God, deaths are going to come. But now that we vaccinated the older, the vulnerable, that’s not true anymore. We’ve decoupled cases from deaths, we should be declaring victory.

INGRAHAM: Well, what does this mean for parents? I mean, what does this mean for parents who are going to face perhaps not being able to send their kids back to school, if they cheat or travel or whatever, you know, whatever activity, the liberals might say, you can’t, can’t ever participate in this puts parents in a very difficult position. It used to be, you know, our body ourselves, this is our body of – bodily autonomy.

But that’s out the window, even though there’s infinitesimally small risk to children. And as you said, those who want to get the vaccine as adults have the ability now to get the vaccine. It’s their choice.

BHATTACHARYA: Yes, I put parents in a bind. I put me in a bind. I have young children myself, right around that age. I mean, I don’t think it’s good for my kids to get that vaccine, I vaccinate my kids with every other vaccine because there are really deadly diseases that can affect children measles, mumps, rubella, that you absolutely should get your kids vaccinated for.

My kids are vaccinated, but for this vaccine, it doesn’t make sense to me why I should vaccinate my children, when the risks are so low to them. And it doesn’t actually help with reducing the risk of disease for rest of the population.

So, I just – given that we vaccinated, the vulnerable.

INGRAHAM: But Dr. Bhattacharya, sorry to jump in. But isn’t this a huge amount of money on the line for pharma? I mean, this is a lot of money. If you if you vaccinate every human being in the United States, or close to it, and then there are yearly boosters also required. That’s billions of dollars, people do a lot for billions of dollars.

BHATTACHARYA: That’s true. I have a suggestion for them. There are a lot of unvaccinated older people around the world who do not have access to these vaccines, send it to them, send it to the people who actually can still die from this, in India and Brazil, in everywhere around the world where they haven’t been as fortunate as Americans, use the vaccine to save lives. Not to make life difficult for our children than their parents.

INGRAHAM: All right, I need to get to this Dr. Fauci has claimed mask mandates smothered the flu this season. Watch.


FAUCI: We’ve had practically a non-existent flu season this year merely because people were doing the kinds of public health things that were directed predominantly against COVID-19. This is conceivable that as we go on a year, or two or more from now, that during certain seasonal periods when you have respiratory borne viruses like the flu, people might actually elect to wear masks.


INGRAHAM: He’s a complete control freak. Dr. Bhattacharya, is that true what he said?

BHATTACHARYA: He’s just wrong. He’s just dead wrong. Sweden, for instance, has not masked up at all. Very, very small fraction Swedish population masked up for this whole epidemic. The flu disappeared there. The flu has disappeared worldwide for reasons we don’t fully understand, although viral interference and some other biological mechanisms would pose hypotheses. It’s not masks that have led to the disappearance of the flu or else they would see the flu in Sweden.

Something else. There’s more than a dozen randomized evaluations going back decades on the use of face masks to slop the flu in various settings, including health care settings, and they’re all negative or equivocal. There’s just isn’t any evidence that supports what Dr. Fauci just said.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Bhattacharya, I feel like we have been on this mask issue since last April and May, citing the studies that you’re talking about, but they will not drop that mask, that’s symbolically very important to them and it’s become a religion. This whole thing has become a religion to a lot of people, and you make it so clear. Thank you so much for joining us tonight.

And amidst an unprecedent uptick in anti-police sentiment, one of the longest serving police chiefs is stepping down. We’re going to talk to Detroit’s James Craig to tell us why a run against governor Whitmer is maybe in his future. Stay there.



MICHELLE OBAMA, FORMER FIRST LADY: Many of us still live in fear as we go to the grocery store or worry about our–

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Walking our dogs.

OBAMA: Walking our dogs or allowing our children to get a license. I mean, just imagine.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Aren’t your girls driving.

OBAMA: But every time they get in a car by themselves, I worry about what assumption is being made by somebody who doesn’t know everything about them. The innocent act of getting a license puts fear in our hearts.


INGRAHAM: Wait, is that in Martha’s Vineyard Maui, Beverly Hills. Where exactly is that? That is just patently ridiculous. Back in 2015, Michelle admitted the Secret Service taught her daughter Malia how to drive. Were they terrified of their own bodyguards? But beyond these absurd hysterics is a more alarming statement. What you just heard from the former first lady is part of a larger act. And it’s one meant to fuel the narrative that America, a country her husband was twice elected to lead is fundamentally racist.

So, why is she still saying this? Here now is Brandon Tatum, former police officer, author of Beaten Back and Blue. Brandon, the comments seem both disingenuous, divisive, all the things we’ve come to expect from the privileged elite in the United States.

BRANDON TATUM, FORMER POLICE OFFICER: Well, Laura, Rachel can see and Stevie don’t have to wonder how delusional Michelle Obama is. I mean, these people, I have never in my life seen a black person get shot and killed in Martha’s Vineyard. And these are the most recognizable people on planet Earth. Her husband was the President of the United States for eight years. Everybody knows what her children look like, nobody’s going to be delusional and pulling them over and giving them a citation, especially not in this climate, where if you’re a white police officer, you do anything, whether it’s legal or not against black people, I mean, you can almost guarantee that your city will burn.

INGRAHAM: Brandon, again, I’m going to ask the question, if you are pulled over by the police, and you do not resist the police, and you basically just answer the questions and get in the car or get out of the car. Do you have any risk of anything happening to you for the most part?

TATUM: Well, as a former police officer, I can tell you, guarantee, you might even get a warning, if you just act like a normal person. You know, when I was a cop, I didn’t want to give people a ticket. I didn’t want to deal with them. I wanted them, they run a red light in front of me and I have no other choice but to pull them over because everybody’s looking at me, like are you going to do something because we pay you tax dollars.

So, do what you have to do, be a normal person, treat him with respect, play the game, if you’re nice to an officer, he’s probably going to be nice to you. If you resist arrest, you can guarantee that they’re going to put it on you and you better hope you don’t run into a bad police officer.

INGRAHAM: Now, here’s what Michelle Obama said about the Chauvin trial outcome.


OBAMA: While we’re all breathing a sigh of relief over the verdict, there’s still work to be done. If you’ve been raised to assume that all black people are X in the case of interactions with black men and police officers, sadly, it can also often lead to death.


INGRAHAM: Brandon reaction.

TATUM: The only people that believe all black people are the same are these brain-dead Leftists and people like Michelle Obama. Normal individuals know that individual people have different characteristics. There are good black people, there are bad. Same thing for white and whatever, you know, label you want to put on people.

These leftists are the ones that assume that every black person has to put their hands tended to, and they’re rolling through the hood with drugs on them and in looking, police officer looking to kill them. That’s just not the case. And let me say this, Laura, police officers are like having a great wife. If you don’t treat her right, she is going to leave your sorry butt. And when she leaves you, your whole life is going to fall apart. And if people don’t start respecting police officers in this country, this country is going to fall apart.

We’ve seen crime rates in the triple digits all around the country, in major cities. You bet a treat police officer with respect, if you want to have a good country and have it safe and for your kids to grow up in?

INGRAHAM: Well, Brandon, I don’t think rising crime isn’t going to really affect the Obama, so that’s not really a biggie for them. Brandon, thanks so much.

And while Michelle Obama pretends to be such a victim, black Americans across the country are actually being terrorized by an explosion and what Brandon talked about in violent crime. Just this past weekend, New York City sought Time Square bystanders including a four year old shot in crossfire, another tourist was stabbed with a screwdriver on the subway.

And to the south in Philly, there were over 20 people shot with four killed. According to The Wall Street Journal, nearly three quarters of Chicago’s spike in murders comes from the city’s predominantly black South side and largely Hispanic West side.

In New York City, homicides Rose 47 percent last year, largely concentrated in Brooklyn neighborhoods with a long history of violence, as well as the Bronx and Harlem. So, why wouldn’t the former first lady or Gayle King spend their discussion on that reality? Because they can’t afford to admit that the growing violence is a result of months of unchecked BLM riots and the campaign to defund and demoralize the police, all of which the Left supports.

Detroit Police Chief James Craig, the longest serving top cop in the city’s history is now stepping down. But there’s an upside, he may be leaving Detroit in order to get to the governor’s mansion. One source telling the Detroit news that Chief Craig is considering a run against Governor Whitmer next year. And he joins me now. James Craig, chief of the Detroit Police Department, who just announced his retirement.

Chief, a lot of people said to hear you’re retiring, your extremely beloved and respected in the city. But why did you feel it was the right time now to step aside?

JAMES CRAIG, DETROIT POLICE CHIEF: You know, Laura, thanks for having me on your show. It’s bittersweet. 44 years, I’ve worked in Los Angeles here starting in Detroit across this country, been a chief in three cities. I haven’t had a bad day. But last year was wake up for me. Our police officers across this country are not being supported. And I will tell you the one thing that Detroit Police officers will say, it appreciates the fact that leadership supports them.

And unfortunately, it’s not common. It’s not common at all. And so yes, I made an honest decision to retire on my own. But he forced me out. But I’m being on to something bigger. I’m not ready to make that decision yet. But you will know in several weeks, because I’m excited for my next phase of public service. Because public service requires leadership.

INGRAHAM: Chief Craig, you’ve got to announce it on your show. OK, on this show, you are our guy. OK, you’ve got to come here and make an announcement.

CRAIG: I’d tell you what, Laura, I do this. After I retire. And I make that decision. Should I come on your show or should I come on Tucker’s show? Which show should I go?

INGRAHAM: Come on the gal show at 10 PM Eastern Time. Come on. You can go on Tucker show, he’s, my buddy. But we want you to come on here because obviously we’ve been following your career for so many years. And your message is very important. You said something during your retirement press conference today. I think everyone watching this show tonight needs to hear it.


CRAIG: The aggression against our police officers today is unlike anything I’ve ever witnessed in my career. That’s not happening – it’s not just happened here. It’s all over. We’ve got to support the men and women who are out there on the frontlines. And when you look at what’s happening, some of these other cities where police officers are leaving in large numbers, one reason don’t feel supportive.


INGRAHAM: Where’s the country going to go? How are things going to devolve on our streets if this continues?

JAMES CRAIG, DETROIT POLICE CHIEF: The country needs to wake up. These cities need to wake up. Now, the Portland mayor, after a year of the summer of love, where they continue to riot this day, rioted all last year, now he’s said enough is enough. Where is the support for the men and women? Minneapolis, we all know what happened with Floyd. It was horrible. But does that reflect the entire profession?

No. Let’s talk about the tragic incident in Columbus, Ohio, where a teen was shot, but she was armed. And that officer made a decision to protect another person’s life. But yet there are those, like LeBron, a basketball player, who says you’re next. And nobody stands up and supports the vast majority of the good cops. It’s shameful. And I’ve got to tell you this, Laura —

INGRAHAM: We did. Chief, you know me. Do you think I am afraid of LeBron James? Please. Give me a break. I mean, come on.

CRAIG: Of course not. And I’ve got to give my friend out in L.A., when I was out there working with him, Dion (ph), who wrote a very spirited letter. Has LeBron reached out to that Los Angeles police officer? Of course not, and he is not going to. We have got to — because these folks have armed security. Some of them are police officers. And they live in gated communities, in safe environments. But the problem is, Laura, we don’t talk about those who live in vulnerable communities who rely on the police every single day.

INGRAHAM: Chief, we’ve got to run, but I am glad you agreed to make the announcement on THE INGRAHAM ANGLE.


INGRAHAM: And we look forward to that. I’m going to fly there. Don’t press me. I will fly there.

CRAIG: You will fly to Detroit?

INGRAHAM: I’m coming. I actually love Detroit. Chief, thank and you good luck.

CRAIG: It’s a beautiful state, wonderful state.

INGRAHAM: Good luck with your next move, but you are coming on the show.

Joe Biden plans on spending hundreds of billions of dollars on racially conscious infrastructure. But what do the people most affected actually think about this? Our own Raymond Arroyo hit the streets of New Orleans to find out. A must see “Seen and Unseen” next.


INGRAHAM: It’s time for our “Seen and Unseen” segment where we expose the stories behind the headlines. And we have an awesome one for you tonight. FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo joins us from New Orleans with a report on how the Biden administration intends to spend billions of infrastructure dollars on racial equity. What is going on, Raymond?

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Laura, Joe Biden toured a water plant in New Orleans, and he talked about rebuilding bridges last week. But those were a few hundred million dollar projects. His infrastructure plan actually sets aside $621 billion to address what it calls historic inequities, including $20 billion to tear down stretches of major interstate systems across the country, including one right here in the Big Easy.


ARROYO: I am standing under the Claiborne Expressway here in New Orleans. This bit of the I-10 system was built in 1968. It cut through the middle of a traditionally black community, Treme. Joe Biden mentions it by name along with the I-81 corridor in Syracuse as examples of highways that divided racial communities. Now in the name of racial quality Biden wants to spent $20 billion to unite these communities, and presumably do away with these high ways.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why would you take down the Claiborne Expressway? That’s the only way people get back and forth from work. You know what I’m saying? Now you’re saying because it starts traffic. There ain’t no traffic right there. That’s how people get together, get to work. It’s how we see each other. We’re from New Orleans.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don’t feel he thinks about this community. I think it is going to mess up the streets with all of the traffic. They need to fix it up better instead of tearing it down.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why would you tear it down? It’s been there since 1968. Why would you tear it down?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don’t know why they won’t take outs when they got all the people need a bridge to go to work and go places and stuff like this.

ARROYO: You would not support it?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, I ain’t going to support them to take that bridge out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The overpass I look at is kind of a place everybody goes to party. Sunday, you have that whole overpass packed. When you take away the overpass, where are we going to hang out and party?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It represents my life, you know what I am saying? We have second lines every Sunday. You know what I’m saying. We hang under there, we chill. Everything.

ARROYO: Tailgates?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Tailgates, all that. All that, all that good stuff.

ARROYO: The Biden infrastructure plan sets aside $20 billion to, quote, “reconnect neighborhood cut off by historic investments and ensure new projects increase opportunity, advance racial equity, and environmental justice.” This all squares with what Pete Buttigieg, the transportation secretary, said several weeks ago.

PETE BUTTIGIEG, TRANSPORTATION SECRETARY: There is racism physically built into some of our highways. And that’s why the jobs plan has dollars specifically committed to reconnect some of the communities that were divided by these dollars.

ARROYO: The president says this is for racial equity, to reunite the community. Does this reunite communities, taking down that?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The community is already reunited in my opinion. It’s multi-culture down here. They shouldn’t fool with it. Leave it be.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How does it bring racial equality? How?

ARROYO: Where would you like —

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I’d like somebody explain that to me.

ARROYO: Where would you like to see that $20 billion spent?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We need a lot here. We have to worry about if it’s going to flood. You know what I’m saying? If it drizzles, y’all, drizzles, you hear me, drizzles, the pumps still ain’t fixed. Put $20 billion in the pumps.

ARROYO: The president says, and it’s in his infrastructure plan, $20 billion he set aside, and he says it’s racial equity because the Claiborne Expressway cut Treme off from the rest of the city.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mr. President, how do you get down here? You roll out and then you drop down on Claiborne. Leave the thing alone man. You know what I’m saying, why — with something if it’s good, excuse my French. You know what I’m saying? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


INGRAHAM: Now, Ray, this is not just in New Orleans, right? Biden is targeting parts of interstate systems in other cities as well? Is that right?

ARROYO: Yes, that’s right. Look, the I-81 in Syracuse is mentioned in the infrastructure plan. In fact, New York Senator Chuck Schumer has praised the idea of destroying parts of that interstate in the name of racial justice, ditto for Houston. The Biden administration, the Transportation Department just stopped construction on an I-45 expansion, citing civil rights and racial equality. There you have it, Laura.

But you hear what the people are saying. Michelle Obama says we need to listen to each other to end racism. I wish people in government would listen to the communities most impacted and affected by these grand schemes. You hear what they are saying on the street.

INGRAHAM: Next time you go back and do these man on the street things Raymond, you have to ask them about defunding the police, if they want fewer police in New Orleans.

ARROYO: We’ll do that next time.

INGRAHAM: So they want the bridge, and they’re going to want the police. OK, so this whole narrative of the Obamas and Bidens is totally down the tubes. Thank you for that report, Raymond, awesome to see it.

ARROYO: You’re welcome.

INGRAHAM: And some stunning new video from the border that sheds new light on where some of these migrants are coming from. We’re going to bring it to you, and then talk to the Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick. Don’t go away.


INGRAHAM: The Biden administration wants you to believe that the border crisis is under control, but that’s a total lie. In fact, just hours ago FOX’s Bill Melugin filed this report for THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from the southern border.


BILL MELUGIN, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Laura, good evening to you. Here in the Del Rio sector this has quickly turned into one of the biggest hotspots along the U.S.-Mexico border with more than 700 migrants apprehended here in this sector every single day. And every day we’ve been here, we have seen them crossing the Rio Grande like clockwork, and we’re going to show you some of that video right now. Take a look.

This was what we show here earlier this morning. This was the biggest group we’ve seen here in our three days so far. This is a group of 52 Venezuelans crossing the Rio Grande when it was a little more shallow. They brought their kids with them, they brough their infants. We had a chance to talk with some of them, many of them telling us they just wanted to get out of Venezuela, come to the United States for a better life. And this was the third day in a row that we saw this. The other day it was 46. The other day it was a group of 25, mostly Venezuelans and Cubans.

And it’s local sheriff’s deputies that are having to apprehend some of these migrants because Border Patrol is stretched so thin. And we had a chance to speak with the deputy chief for Border Patrol. They told us they need more resources, they’ve got a tough job to do, and that some of the migrants they have been apprehending actually have some criminal records. Take a listen.

RAUL ORTIZ, U.S. BORDER PATROL DEPUTY CHIEF: We have already apprehended almost 6,000 criminal aliens coming in between the ports of entry. At that same time, our Border Patrol agents have rescued almost 6,000 people. And so both those numbers are increases for us.

MELUGIN: And Border Patrol went on to tell us that two of the migrants they recently apprehended actually had very serious criminal records. One was a convicted murderer. The other was a convicted child molester. And we’ve been talking with some local law enforcement on the ground here in Del Rio, and some of them weren’t too thrilled with DHS Secretary Mayorkas’ comments that the border is closed. One local official telling us if the border is closed, I don’t want to know what it is when it’s open.

Laura, we’ll send it back to you.


INGRAHAM: Unbelievable.

Joining me now, Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick. Dan, Venezuelans now crossing the border, now you have people who are convicted murderers, child molesters. And yet the Biden administration essentially saying we’ve got it under control.

DAN PATRICK, (R) TEXAS LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: Yes, it’s unexplainable unless you accept the premise that they know exactly what is happening and they want it to happen because that’s the only way you can explain it. They can’t be this ignorant to what is happening. So they see it. They just don’t want to acknowledge it.

Think about this a moment, Laura. About 60 percent of the people I was told today that are coming in through the Del Rio sector, which is a small sector, very narrow, are coming from Venezuela, 60 percent. They are flying from Venezuela to Mexico City or Cancun or to Monterey, Mexico, and then they bus in.

So we now have a whole different class of people, a different set of people. Some of them are much better dressed than others, not all. But this is a more educated class fleeing their country in with other people. Who also we caught this week, people from South Africa, from Haiti, from Uzbekistan. They are coming literally, now, Laura, from all over the world.

INGRAHAM: Why wouldn’t they? Why wouldn’t they?

PATRICK: It’s because the Biden administration says come on in.

INGRAHAM: This is the most ridiculous situation. We are hearing from people in New Orleans, Raymond’s report that he just did, and you have people on the streets in New Orleans like, wait, what about the American people? It’s not that we don’t have feelings, and we’re concerned about everybody. But we have an American problem right now with what is happened with this ridiculous prolonged response to the pandemic and locking kids out of schools and so forth. And now I guess all of humanity is going to show up and just walk right in.

PATRICK: Laura, we are only three weeks from the end of session. But we had a meeting today with the legislature. And we are going to put in significant more money, I can tell you this right now, tonight. We’re going to put in significant more money into our border security. We already spend close to $400 million a year of tax dollars we shouldn’t have to spend to protect Texas and to protect America at the same time from the criminals coming in. We’re going to significantly add to that. We’re going to have more personnel. We’ve going to have more assets on the border. We’re going to do everything we humanly possible can in Texas, because the Border Patrol, they are demoralized. They are now taking care of families and kids.

INGRAHAM: They’re like the police.

PATRICK: They’re not doing the job of keeping people out. And down Del Rio, the sheriff down there, he is overrun, his jails are overrun. It’s a disaster designed by the Biden administration.

INGRAHAM: We’ve only got about a minute, Dan. I was down in Del Rio back in May of 2019 and we thought it was bad then. We were down there, and it was right before I think they instituted the return to Mexico policy. It was just starting to get going, I believe, or right before. It was bad then, OK. Now —

PATRICK: Biden can turn this around overnight with that Mexico policy reinstated that Trump created.

INGRAHAM: And Dan, finally, when you see how this has all enriched the cartels, they make thousands of dollars, if you had one word for the administration’s response here, what would it be?

PATRICK: The one word is, it’s disgraceful. And you are allowing people to be enslaved. You are creating new indentured servants, and you’re putting people into sex trafficking.

INGRAHAM: We’ll leave it at disgraceful. Dan, thank you very much. Sorry I had to cut you off.

Up next, could a visit to your local library really mean you are a closet member of the KKK? When everything is racist explains.


INGRAHAM: It’s time for your new favorite recurring segment.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When everything is racist.


INGRAHAM: Are you a big bookworm? Do you like to go to the library? Too bad because libraries are now racist. And do not forget about that dastardly Dewey Decimal System. That’s bad, too, according to Cornell University librarian. “The Cornell Daily Sun” reporting that during a virtual teach-in on confronting anti-Asian racism, librarian Reanna Esmail said white supremacy is reinforced through those big book-filled buildings. “Libraries themselves also have a fraught history of being complicit in racism and in some cases upholding and disseminating racist ideas.” She went on to say that “The Dewey Decimal System uses outdated terms to describe people of Asian descent.”

“The Daily Mail” investigated these accusations and made this shocking discovery. English, French, and Greek languages have multiple Dewey sections apiece, but east and southeast Asian languages are given just one. My gosh. What will come next? Calculators? Just numbers in general? Clouds?

We’ll continue to bring you these reports so you too can be as woke and informed as we are.

That’s all the time we have tonight. Don’t forget, set your DVR for every weeknight so you never miss us, or one of those segments.

All right, Gutfeld, he takes it from here.


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