‘Ingraham Angle’ on vaccine mandates

on Oct8
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This is a rush transcript of “Ingraham Angle” on October 7, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: Hannity, everything that Trump predicted was going to happen to the economy, to our foreign policy, credibility, the border. He predicted it to a tee, It’s unbelievable. I mean across the board, but I’ve got to tell you. Hannity, yes.

HANNITY: Do you think Joe Biden could be that articulate for 40 straight minutes?

INGRAHAM: Now look. I’m seriously, I’m literally like not – my grandpa. Where are we?

HANNITY: Come on, man.

INGRAHAM: Hey, Sean, you know what I was thinking today. I seriously was thinking about this, because the 25th anniversary of Fox, right? And we’re so busy doing everything on a daily basis that I didn’t even have a chance to write anything. OK, about the time which was for me since – my best memory early on at Fox was I think I was talking to you in like 1999, so it was a few years after Fox started.

HANNITY: We’ve been friends a long time.

INGRAHAM: And Hannity – yes, and Hannity, you kept saying come on, Ingraham. I want you to sign with Fox News, sign with Fox News. And I finally did, right, and I was on election night with you in 2000 until like 2:30 in the morning, right, remember we were on back and forth, it was Gore one, then Bush one and Gore. That was the funniest–

HANNITY: I think I was only on like one election year. If that had to be the year, then they use me for three minutes. I said I’m not wasting my time. I have too much work to do.

INGRAHAM: That was it, but we were – you had me on as a guest and we were on like all through it. It was so much fun and many, many great memories–

HANNITY: It was. We’ve been very blessed. And we’re lucky to have you, honestly, you’ve been a very powerful addition.

INGRAHAM: And you and everyone, Suzanne Scott and Lachlan, Roger Ailes, Jay Wallace, everyone who made this possible obviously the Murdoch’s, but you’ve been my buddy through thick and thin, Sean and thank you, 25 years, almost 25 years–

HANNITY: You’ve done such an amazing job, and we’re lucky to have you in Primetime and you better take your show because I’m going to – I don’t want to take all your time. All right. Have a good night.

INGRAHAM: All right, Hannity. Happy 25th. I’m Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE. And what do Kyrsten Sinema and Dave Chappelle have in common? Well, my angle is going to explain later on in the show. But first, we trust in government cratering under Biden and his approval numbers in the toilet. The people actually running things at the White House are desperately trying to turn things around. And instead of making smart decisions like stiff arming the progressives or clamping down on border crossers, things that actually would appeal to working class voters. Biden’s puppeteers are stuck on vaccine mandates.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Here’s the Wall Street saying, vaccination means fewer infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. In turn, it means a stronger economy. When economists call vaccine requirements, and I quote, the most powerful economic stimulus ever enacted for folks who haven’t gotten vaccinated, get it done. Do the right thing.


INGRAHAM: OK, do the right thing. Well, Joe, if vaccine mandates were so popular, why the hard sell? Why the shaming? Why set up the COVID caste system that you’re doing? If tough, COVID policies, by the way, are so great for the economy as he’s trying to argue there. Why are the unemployment rates of New York, LA, San Francisco and Chicago, big vaccine mandate places those are so much higher than the national average? By contrast, look at what’s going on in Florida, where the governor has rejected mandates, their unemployment is below the national average. And if the false economic projections aren’t bad enough, now the COVID police are actually putting lives in jeopardy.

This is happening in Colorado, the University of Washington Medical Center just announced it will join that Colorado health system and refusing organ transplants to unvaccinated patients. So much for the do no harm thing. Now in moments, we’re going to talk to a woman waiting for a kidney transplant, she was just told she’s getting kicked off the list. Now the left is one step closer though to imposing vaccine mandates on your kids.

So today, Pfizer asked the FDA for emergency use authorization of its COVID vaccine in five to 11 year old. Now, for those of us in real America, this is a cause for concern. But for the media, it’s like Christmas has come early.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: People in my household are doing a happy dance. My daughter can’t wait because she knows that it means that I don’t know – she doesn’t even remember what normal is, but she’s excited to welcome it and once again.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If more people get vaccinated, Kate, we can start to look at – start looking at this thing in the rear view mirror, and I think that benefits all of society.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I’m in line ready for it. I cannot wait. You can’t stop me


INGRAHAM: Wow. Now, we warned you that they would eventually target your kids with their vaccine mandates and it’s happening. And California has already laid the groundwork announcing earlier this month that it mandate vaccines for students ages 12 and up once the FDA gives its final approval, expect to see this insanity repeated in blue cities and states across America. And don’t believe the line by the way that the vaccines like a Sanjay Gupta said, it means we’re getting all back to normal.

If they really wanted to return to normal, they would drop the mandates and leave people alone. In fact, is, they didn’t like the old normal much, they want a new normal said that since March 2020. And by the way, normal is what most of red state America is doing. And the Delta variant by the way is declining in those states as well. That’s good news. Especially by the way, given the results of a brand new study published yesterday in the New England Journal of Medicine that showed waning vaccine effectiveness overtime still helps in serious illness, hospitalization, but infectivity we’re talking about here and it found that fully vaccinated individuals, antibody levels decreased rapidly for the first three months after someone is fully vaccinated.

It also found that six months after receipt of the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine humoral response was substantially decreased. Presumably this means that, I don’t know I guess we’re going to be talking about mandating boosters long, long, long into the future. Or Republicans win in a landslide and finally, we do get back to normal, we do get back to making our own decisions about health, risks and benefits without by the way, being vilified, shamed or punished.

Now let’s bring back my medicine cabinet. Dr. Stephen Smith, founder of the Smith Center for Infectious Diseases, and Urban Health and Dr. Paul Alexander, former Trump HHS COVID Adviser.

Dr. Smith, let’s start with you. Is the solution to this pandemic, the forced vaccination of children and the 20 percent or 25 percent of adults who have yet to receive a shot, especially given the new published report today from the New England Journal of Medicine.

DR. STEPHEN SMITH, INFECTIOUS DISEASE SPECIALIST: Right. I mean, I think the vaccines have been very effective in helping combat pandemic, but in adult population in high risk, especially in high risk adults. Pediatric use pediatrics, I don’t understand it, we get vaccines for one of two reasons or both reasons, one to help the individual, two to help the community at large or both like influenza, younger people, we vaccinate for the flu, to help the older people and the older people, we vaccinate them to help that.

Whereas the HPV vaccine give to boys to help girls or women in the future. Whereas the shingles vaccine is just for the individual. But for giving to the kids, I don’t get what the point is, it’s not going to help end the pandemic at all. It’s not going to help the kids at least not the vast majority of children at age five to 11. The vast, vast majority–

INGRAHAM: I want to get into that Dr. Smith. Yes, I want to get into that because for over a year now, and we’ve been talking about this on this program since April of 2020, when you were on initially, because we’ve known for the early data that COVID poses a relatively minuscule risk to small children. As of September 30th, during the entire pandemic 520 children died from COVID in the United States.

Now, of course, it’s tragic. We don’t want any child to ever die. But that’s a fatality rate of point 0.1 percent of those that we know actually had COVID, obviously millions more had COVID.

Dr. Alexander, why do they keep pretending that kids are most at risk from COVID? I mean, it’s a 99 percent survivability rate, 99 point something. I’m not good at math. So, Dr. Alexander, what of this? This is bizarre.

DR. PAUL ALEXANDER, FORMER TRUMP HHS COVID ADVISER, Yes. And I agree with you on. Thanks for having me again, Laura. The science doesn’t support vaccinating persons under 19 for COVID. And this is illogical and I think reckless and dangerous. The reality is that these vaccine developers, the CDC, the FDA, they must put liability protection on the table, because they are the only ones in this situation who are protected, not the children. And I think this is going to be a very dangerous situation.

We knew Laura, we knew as you just explained for 15 months now, the children are very little risk of acquiring infection in the first place have transmitted to other children, have taken at home. We have the Sweden study Ludwigsen where they looked at 2 million street kids under 16. No instances of that. We have the French (ph) study where Danny Stile (ph) showed that one child exposed to 150 other children, no secondary transmission. Children do not drive at home, like seasonal influenza. Children do not get severely ill, and children do not die. So, I think this is a very reckless and Dr. Fauci, Dr. Walensky and Dr. Francis Collins, no one has yet come to the table and told the American people and prosecuted this case as to why our children must be vaccinated.

There’s absolutely – these vaccines provide no opportunity for benefit, only opportunity for harm for children.

INGRAHAM: And Dr. Smith, at the same time, therapeutics that have actually proven in actual use to be effective from preventing serious illness, intubation and death, as you demonstrated with your patient base in hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, that was just dismissed pretty much out of hand? Very briefly, Dr. Smith, why, why was that done?

SMITH: I have no idea, Laura. I really don’t. I mean, there was a movement that were some of the therapies that were being using with success. Were jumped on very quickly and very aggressively, in a negative way. And I can’t explain it, that we do have a new therapeutic for Merck. This looks promising and no one’s at least that I know of, put making that political yet.

But I can understand why some of the older retool medications that showed efficacy in vitro I mean in the lab, and also in vivo in a controlled studies showed very powerful efficacy that they–

INGRAHAM: Well, they don’t make any money. Dr. Smith, they make no money off of hydroxychloroquine.

SMITH: I hope that’s not the case.

INGRAHAM: OK. All right. All right. I’ll say you don’t have to. All right, gentlemen, thank you. And as I mentioned earlier, one of Colorado’s largest health systems has taken this vaccine fanaticism to deadly new heights or lows, I should say, by now refusing organ transplants to unvaccinated patients, including my next guest. Leilani Lutali, she was told last week she’d be not receiving a kidney because of her vax status. Also with me is Jamie Fougner, Leilani’s donor and Colorado state rep. Tim Geitner, who first brought this story to our attention. Leilani, now what’s going to happen if you don’t get this kidney transplant.

LEILANI LUTALI, DENIED KIDNEY TRANSPLANT: I believe that my days are numbered as I continue to deteriorate in my GFR numbers. So, I did reach out to the hospital to understand whether or not a dialysis was an option. And they said at this point, the shot would not be required, but told me I was irresponsible in not getting it.

INGRAHAM: Now, Jamie, you are the kidney donor. God bless you.


INGRAHAM: It’s the most selfless thing. It’s incredible. I want to start crying. It’s amazing to see you two together. What’s your reaction to this, Jamie? You’re willing to give your kidney and the hospital says no, no, we’re not going to do that because of her own personal choice.

FOUGNER: Laura, I’m stunned. I’m part of the medical community and I’m just stunned at the lack of compassion and consideration and involvement of Leilani and her own care. It’s like they’re holding my kidney hostage and she’s going to die because they won’t give it to her.

INGRAHAM: Well, what’s the argument here? The argument is that she’s more vulnerable medically, after the procedure, and is there any – is there actual science behind that? What if she signs a waiver? If COVID does X, I won’t sue you.

LUTALI: I propose that. I’ve proposed a number of things to my coordinator, one of which was a medical waiver, I have to sign a medical waiver with regard to the actual transplant itself. So, I said I’d be willing to sign a medical waiver with regard to not taking the vaccine. I’ve offered, could I be exempted for religious purposes, that only applies to employees. So, there were a number of things that I’ve put out there. It’s nothing, no. This is the only way. It’s a one-size-fits-all.

INGRAHAM: Representative Geitner, now you’re in the Colorado legislature. I’m blessed enough to spend time in Colorado. I love the state of Colorado. But I don’t know if people are smoking too much pot and pot Colorado or what’s going on. What can be done about this? This seems like a classic case of discrimination.

REP. TIM GEITNER (R-CO): Sure, it’s great to be here. Laura, thank you so much for caring for Leilani to give her this opportunity, to share her story with your audience. I think you may be right, maybe there is too much of that. But I’ll tell you I think it’s important that we think your audience knows that this isn’t even just about Leilani, you know, Leilani and Jamie and I we’ve been contacted by folks across Colorado.

In fact, the most tragic and probably the saddest story that I’ve heard so far. I spoke to a father just twice today, we spoke the other day, he has sent me a couple emails and such, his daughter who’s 12 is currently on dialysis here in Colorado. He’s received communications from UC Health saying that she too will be denied this life saving surgery unless and until the COVID vaccine is taken. So, it’s affecting multiple people across the state from 12 years old on up, and that’s probably the worst story that I’ve heard so far. And I suspect this isn’t the end of it.

INGRAHAM: And people die. Many people die every day waiting for an organ transplant. Correct?


GEITNER: Correct. I can somewhere in the neighborhood about 17.

INGRAHAM: So apparently, they don’t care if that number goes higher and higher.

GEITNER: I think that’s a great question for UC Health.

INGRAHAM: Well, I hope the state legislature is watching other members of the state legislature, the people of Colorado, this is your state government. Leilani, you’re going to have to go out of state. I mean, Leilani, if you were a younger woman and wanting an abortion, you couldn’t get it in the state of Colorado, you’d have every woman’s group supporting you. But because you want to get a kidney transplant and you’re not vaxxed, where are all the women’s groups supporting you?

LUTALI: Exactly.

FOUGNER: She’s got one–

INGRAHAM: It’s great to have you both. You’ve got your donor standing there. Jamie and Leilani, and Tim, thank you all for being here tonight. We’ll be following this case. And coming up next, the woke mob and Dave Chappelle, Kyrsten Sinema. What is this all about? Well, my angle will lay it out, and you won’t believe what’s happening. Don’t go away.


INGRAHAM: The mob never sleeps. That’s the focus of tonight’s angle. Now what do comedian Dave Chappelle and Senator Kyrsten Sinema have in common? Well, for starters, both have been hailed by the Left as taboo shattering talented trailblazers.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Kyrsten Sinema is one of my dear friends and I’m so excited that she’s just won.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She actually came across as very moderate, very normal and very likeable.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The first openly bisexual person going into the senate.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Dave Chappelle gave an epic performance on Saturday Night Live first post-election show last night, Chappelle was obviously hilarious.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dave has always had incredible political insight as an observer.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He can do a lot of things as well as Dave Chappelle.


INGRAHAM: But that was before Chappelle and Sinema deviated from the party line. Now the same Left-wing forces that built them up, are trying to tear them down. Now let’s start with Chappelle. In his new Netflix Special called The Closer, he defends JK Rowling from the vicious lunatics on the Left. Now recall that a few years back, the Harry Potter author and self- made billionaire found herself in the woke mobs’ crosshairs for merely stating her beliefs that biological sex does in fact exist.

Tweeting in June 2020, my life has been shaped by being female, I do not believe it’s hateful to say so. This is possibly one of the least controversial statements ever posted to Twitter. But based on the Left’s reaction at the time, you would have thought that she was a war criminal. Few of anyone in the entertainment industry dared stick their necks out for the woman whose books made many of them very rich. At least pleased their kids who love them.

But Dave Chappelle stuck his neck out.


DAVE CHAPPELLE, COMEDIAN: Cancel JK Rowling, oh my god, but factually, she said, gender was a fact. And then the trans community got mad. They started calling her Terf. I’m team Terf. I agree. I agree, gender is a fad.


INGRAHAM: Then in his trademark, expletive laden style, the comedian talked about the newly constructed sexual organs of biological men. Well, who would say that they’re transgender well, typical Chappelle? That diatribe, plus his own defense of JK Rowling sparked outrage among the denizens of the woke Left. Trans activists Dana White, not only slam Chappelle, but also Netflix for showcasing him saying nothing Dave Chappelle says changes the facts that trans women are women. He’s wrong, and Netflix has empowered him to be wrong loudly.

Of course, the activist said glad, no surprise there, chimed in as well claiming Chappelle’s comedy was synonymous with ridiculing trans people and other marginalized communities. NPR’s TV critic remarked, it just sounds like Chappelle is using white privilege to excuse his own homophobia and transphobia. Wow.

While Chappelle is using white privilege, wait a second, OK, I got it. What? Now when Chappelle used the most profane language in a previous special, to pillory, yours truly and Candace Owen. did any of the usual girl power activists come to our defense? Did any major media outlets or celebrity women advocate condemned Chappelle as misogynistic? Or even say he’s disappointing in his attacks?

Now you know the answer, of course not. And not that we cared. We didn’t think it, we don’t want it, we don’t need their protection. By the way, Chappelle knew what he was doing and attacking us. He thought that by attacking us he was buying himself expiation for past comedic sins and maybe a free pass for future ones. How did that work out for you Dave? The fact is, there is no satisfying the insane Left that today’s Democrat Party spawned and projects. There’s no point in anyone trying to placate them or even paying attention to them because there will always come a day when you’ll fall short of, they’re constantly moving woke goal post.

Now, Kyrsten Sinema should know this by now. It doesn’t matter that she’s a first that she wears fun outfits or that she voted to impeach Trump twice. That’s not enough. Now that she’s standing in the way of Democrats passing their multi-trillion dollar plan to fundamentally remake this country. She’s Leftist enemy number one.


JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: What does Senator Sinema value? Oh, right money.

ARI MELBER, MSNBC HOST: She basically threw her posture here has turned herself into something of an SNL punchline for vagueness and trolling.

RON BROWNSTEIN, SENIOR EDITOR, THE ATLANTIC: They’re all better off if something happens then if the whole thing collapses, I think that’s being called into question a little bit now in the case of the Senator from Arizona, Kyrsten Sinema.


INGRAHAM: The backlash against Sinema even extends to Saturday Night Live. Now, remember how they portrayed her back in 2019.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Kooky Arizona lady Sinema.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I used to be in the house but now I’m in the Senate and bicameral, bipartisan and bi, deal with it.


INGRAHAM: Back then, she’s cool. She was cunning, a little quirky, fun. But how did they depict her today? Well, she’s kind of an unhinged moron.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: On one side, we have the moderate Democrats Kyrsten Sinema from Arizona.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What do I want from this bill? I’ll never tell, because I didn’t come to Congress to make friends. And so far, mission accomplished.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let’s get real basic, roads. Everyone OK with roads.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Me too. Roads are where trucks live.






INGRAHAM: God, it’s aggressively unfunny. Of course, being ridiculed by SNL is nothing compared to being stalked by Marxist foot soldiers into the ladies’ room. Oh, and then having that humiliating footage put out for the whole world to see. Now sure, prominent Democrats should kind of weak, limp condemnations of that incident, but we all know they really approved of it. Biden even admitted it.


BIDEN: I don’t think they’re appropriate tactics. But it happens to everybody. From the only people that doesn’t happen to people who have Secret Service standing around. So, it’s part of the process.


INGRAHAM: The other way, but, of course, this twisted game goes both ways. Take what happened to the Bush’s and the Cheney’s. Like I’m young enough to remember when they were roundly derided as war criminals for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Was there anyone more hated by the Left than Dick Cheney? Before W’s time in office, had you ever seen a president so ruthlessly mocked and derided as a dim witted frat boy, I mean, I worked for Reagan, it was nothing to compare to what they did to Bush.

But now that he’s they’re useful idiot. They’ve totally rehabilitated him. Same thing for Liz Cheney. It’s also obvious, it’s almost boring at this point. No one with a shred of independent thought should be cowed by any of these people. The Far Left has relentlessly tried to get this show boycotted and even banned kicked off air.

How well that worked out for him. We’ve only gotten stronger. Our audience, thanks to you, has only gotten bigger. So, instead of trying to ingratiate yourself to the woke mob, or try to appease them by saying just the right thing, just be yourself. Stand up for your own views. For the truth. There are more people who agree with us than the left would have you believe. And as for Sinema, she’d be far more at home, I think, as an independent. And of course, she’s always welcome to cross the aisle and joined the conservative movement. At least our side tolerates dissent and divergent views. There’s zero room for dissent in her current party.

Manchin should do the same and break away from the lunatics that he’s had to put up with once and for all. I don’t know, maybe he’s too rich, or too rich that he doesn’t even care at this point. I don’t know. After all, it’s kind of easier, right, just to relent back, at least in the short-term.

But remember, unless you are 100 percent compliant and ready to compromise your beliefs for every leftist crusade, they’ll eventually come for you anyway. Just ask Dave.

And that’s The Angle.

Joining us now, one of my next guests knows all too well what it’s like to get canceled by the woke left. University of Chicago Professor Dorian Abbott was supposed to give the annual Carson Lecture at MIT until a Twitter mob discovered his very public comments about how higher education’s obsession with diversity, equity, and inclusion, is actually harmful. Dorian is here now along with Stephen Miller, former Trump senior advisor, founder of America First Legal that helps protect the freedoms that we all enjoy as Americans in its work.

Dorian, your lecture had nothing to do with DEI or Critical Race Theory, but the incredible controversial topic was what drew their scorn? What was it?

PROF. DORIAN ABBOTT, MIT CANCELLED LECTURE AFTER OUTRAGE: It was the climate of planets orbiting different stars, which are called extrasolar planets, and which ones could potentially host life.

INGRAHAM: Wait a second, so that — wait a second, so you weren’t able to — I’d actually like to hear that lecture. So that’s off the table because you questioned the holy grail of DEI?

ABBOTT: Yes, that’s true. And if you’d like to have the lecture and if anyone else would, it’s going to happen at the Madison program at Princeton, and anyone can register for it for free online.

INGRAHAM: That’s fantastic, good for Princeton, I’m surprised by that. Stephen Miller, I know you’re not surprised by any of this. The same mob that has come after Sinema or even Dave Chappelle or myself, they’ve come after you head on for your views on immigration, trade, all of that. But isn’t that the right message? Like the professor, just find a different form, keep moving forward.

STEPHEN MILLER, FORMER SENIOR ADVISER TO TRUMP: I’m very fortunate that I’m able to have this platform and have this forum. What I’m worried about are the millions of Americans who face the real threat of job loss, personal destruction, financial harm, de-platforming because of their points of view.

And in particular you see this now with the Department of Justice coming after Americans objecting to Critical Race Theory, concerned parents. You see it increasingly with people that express divergent viewpoints on the coronavirus. We are living in an environment of what I like to call left- wing fascism, in which if you express a contrary point of view, like you’ve seen for biological sex, you stand up for racial equality, they’re going to come at you with everything that they have. And ultimately if we give into that even a little bit, we are just feeding the fire, and it gets bigger and more fearsome every single time they claim a victim.

INGRAHAM: Well, we’ve had professors speak about freedom of speech, and try to address the problem. Eddie Glaude Jr. is a professor at Princeton, and he’s kind of an interesting guy. He appears usually on MSNBC. But he spoke about this matter. Let’s watch.


EDDIE GLAUDE JR., PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR: These are the places that some people believe that the left overruns these spaces, and academic freedom or freedom of speech has become a question.

DON DANIELS, JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT: There is an effort to discredit the university, and I think in fact a lot of the characterization of the monoculture, the cancel culture and so forth, that is used to describe universities is exaggerated.


INGRAHAM: So in other words, academic freedom, the desire for freedom, this is just a fantasy that conservatives have. This doesn’t — this doesn’t really exist, the cancel culture on campus. Is that right, professor?

ABBOTT: The cancel culture certainly exists. It’s true that a relatively small number of faculty are canceled. However, it has an impact that extends far beyond that because other people restrict their speech in order to avoid being canceled.

INGRAHAM: Dorian, Stephen, thank you, it’s good to see you both tonight.

And it took less than 10 months for the American people to realize just how utterly incompetent the Biden administration really is. And not just on Afghanistan or the border. We are going to bring you the devastating new poles in moments.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The president is seeing the lowest score on his job performance since taking office. Only 38 percent approval.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The president has really had a tough stretch here.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Biden right now is underwater, and the fact that he is bleeding support with independents.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Biden’s approval rating is sinking.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: His new poll numbers, frankly, are brutal for the president.


INGRAHAM: Wow, it’s not just Biden’s general approval rating that is abysmal. According to the new Quinnipiac poll, 55 percent of Americans think he’s incompetent in running the government. That includes 62 percent of independents, by the way. And that’s not all. The poll also found that 49 percent believe Biden cares about the average American, well, just 49 percent of them. That’s a drop of 58 percent in April.

All right, here to break it all down is Tom Bevan, cofounder and president of Real Clear Politics. Tom, what’s going on here? A drop not just in the general numbers for Biden, but on every major measure that matters, from immigration to COVID to foreign policy.

TOM BEVAN, COFOUNDER, REAL CLEAR POLITICS: Yes, look, this Quinnipiac poll is as bad of a poll as we’ve seen for Biden. And it’s just one poll, but if it’s confirmed by other polls, and there is some indication that it is being seen in other places, it’s terrible news not only because, as you mentioned, on issue after issue, whether it’s Afghanistan, foreign policy, the border, taxes, he is losing support overall, but particularly among independents.

But as we’ve talked about before, Laura, he is losing those sorts of intangible qualities. Is he honest or not — a net loss of 20 points and eight months. Is he a good leader — a net loss of over 30 points on that question in eight months. And as you mentioned, most surprising to me with this question of does he care about the average person. This is one of Biden’s sort of — one of his core brand. He was from Scranton — blue- collar Joe from Scranton. That number has dropped dramatically as well. It started at 60 percent in February. Now, as you mentioned, down to 49 percent. So he’s lost a great standing there as well.

And so those of the things that are really tough to recover, and I think it shows just across the board how badly he’s been performing.

INGRAHAM: Yes, and as we just put up a different graphic about honesty, and the honesty numbers — and I know you’ve addressed this before with us, but the honesty numbers are a real drop. Back in February it was 53 percent said he was honest. Now in October, only 44 percent say he’s honest, 50 percent say he’s not honest.

BEVAN: Right. Listen, that’s what happens when you make this one of the cornerstones of your campaign. Trump is a liar. I’m going to tell the truth. I will always level with you. He said it in his inaugural address. He said it all throughout the campaign, that I will always level with the American people good, bad, or otherwise.

And the American people have recognized that he hasn’t been on the level with them on a number of issues. He’s ignored, been in denial about the border. He said Afghanistan, the exit there was a huge success, and that it couldn’t have been done any other way, and the American people don’t believe that to be true. And so that’s why he’s seen — and the other one, as you mentioned, he said he would be competent, and the American people have seen on that score things at odds with his rhetoric. And I think that’s what he’s lost support.

Again, he hasn’t lost so much support among Democrats. It’s among independents were he’s really sliding. And this is a huge concern for Democrats in the midterms, and even Terry McAuliffe in his Virginia governor’s race in just a couple of days, independents are about 30 percent of the electorate there. And if they are feeling this badly about Biden, that does not bode well for McAuliffe or the Democrats.

INGRAHAM: That’s all right, putting in travel vaccine mandates on airplanes, they are already kind of floating that. Will that be good for his popularity, Tom, yes or no? If they move forward with vaccines for airlines, yes or no?

BEVAN: No, I do not think so.

INGRAHAM: Tom, great to see you tonight. Thank you.

And still ahead, an Angle follow-up to a story we brought you a few weeks ago about a female soldier at Fort Bliss who says she was assaulted by a group of male Afghan refugees. Congresswoman Yvette Herrell is here with stunning new details in moments.


INGRAHAM: Weeks ago we were first to bring you the shocking news that U.S. servicewomen was allegedly assaulted by a group of male Afghan refugees at Fort Bliss, New Mexico. Now, the FBI is investigating the matter, but rather than wait around for the Bureau, my next guest took action. Yesterday Congressman Yvette Herrell, whose district includes Fort Bliss, went to the base to demand answers. Congresswoman Herrell joins us now.

Congresswoman, I should note that FOX News was supposed to go with you to Fort Bliss yesterday, but our permission was withdrawn 10 minutes before our reporter was supposed to board his flight. So, boy, if they are not trying to hide something, they are doing a good impersonation of someone who is trying to hide something.

REP. YVETTE HERRELL, (R-NM) WENT TO FORT BLISS TO DEMAND ANSWERS: Yes. What a disappointment. And I actually made a call to the major general. I called DHS, and we were denied allowing one of your guys to go with us on the tour yesterday. So transparency at its best with this administration, of course.

INGRAHAM: What do we know so far? We know that the Pentagon is kind of downplaying the severity of crimes being committed on the base. This was from a Pentagon briefing on September 30th. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we’re seeing is law enforcement violations that are on par and, in most cases, significantly lower than the rates we are seeing in similar sized populations across the United States.

Afghans who are reporting incidents is a good indicator of their commitment to keeping the community safe.


INGRAHAM: So in other words, we should be thankful that Afghans who are here are helping? If they are, that’s great, but we have American servicewomen who are being assaulted on our military bases by refugees. And is that the best answer they can do? I guess Ned Price, the national security advisor, has been blaming charter flights for bringing people who shouldn’t be here into the country. Is that it?

HERRELL: Yes, here’s what we were told, and this does not make sense to me. They tell us because we have so many people in such a small area that we can expect to see things like this happen. That’s unacceptable. Laura, think about it. If we can’t keep service members safe on military bases within the United States, what does that look like for any town, USA, once these people are let loose or resettled or choose to leave the base on their own accord, which we know at least 500 people have from Fort Bliss.

INGRAHAM: How many of them have come back? Are they just going to the 7- Eleven and just getting something to drink or eat and coming back? What’s happening? Have they ever returned?

HERRELL: They are not allowed to come back. Once they leave the base, they can’t come back. But then they are responsible then for themselves in terms of the paperwork, processing, et cetera. But it makes no sense that we don’t have a better handle on what’s going on. But still, the responses that we’ve asked for from Secretary Mayorkas and this administration are deafening when it comes to the background checks, the vetting, and how safe are the American people.

INGRAHAM: They don’t care. They don’t care.

HERRELL: They don’t.

INGRAHAM: They don’t care. Congresswoman, stay on this, and we will be tracking it with you. Thank you so much.

And when we come back, celebrating 25 years of FOX News. The Last Bite, next.


INGRAHAM: A lot of folks on this news channel have been talking about a quarter-century on the air, a network that few people thought would last more than, I don’t know, maybe a year or so. I was on another network back in 1996 when FOX News started. And back then, we were kind of thinking, that is not going — that’s kind of Mickey Mouse. Boy, were we wrong.

And the guy who co-founded it, Roger Ailes, had an interesting comment about the state of journalism back in 2005.


ROGER AILES, FORMER FOX NEWS CHAIRMAN AND CEO: Journalists provide a tremendous service to this nation, but they must stay true to the cause of searching for the truth and putting the stories in context. And we try to do that.


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