‘The Five’ on supply chain, Fauci

on Jan12
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This is a rush transcript of “The Five” on January 11, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, everyone. I’m Dana Perino along with Greg Gutfeld, Jesse Watters, Dagen McDowell, and Geraldo Rivera. It’s five o’clock in New York City, and this is THE FIVE.

COVID confusion rocking the White House as their state of course handling of the pandemic is colliding with reality. Cases continue to surge hitting nearly 1.5 million infections that we know of and the country still does not have enough tests despite the president’s pledge that help is on the way.

Former members of Biden’s transition team are giving the administration a wake-up call, calling for an urgent strategy reset or risk losing credibility with the public. But President Biden claims the White House is doing just fine.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: What we’ve been able to do, I guess it looks stupid, I’ve been able to generate significant federal help in terms of both — both coming into the hospitals and administering all the help that the states need. That’s what we are doing now, but I’m confident we are on the right track.


PERINO (on camera): Dr. Anthony Fauci and other top health officials getting grilled by lawmakers over President Biden’s handling of the pandemic.


SEN. ROGER MARSHALL (R-KS): Frankly, honestly, you’ve lost your reputation. The American people don’t trust the words coming out of your mouth.


MARSHALL: But perception is a reality —


MARSHALL: — and you are hurting the team right now. You are hurting the team right now.

SEN. SUSAN COLLINS (R-ME): Has any of this funding, this close to $83 billion that was supposed to be used for testing been diverted for other purposes?

UNKNOWN: Some of the funds have been used for mitigation efforts. For example, when children are crossing the border.


PERINO (on camera): And Dr. Fauci at one point caught on a hot mic calling a senator a moron after a heated exchange about the public availability of a financial disclosure form, so that was a slight distraction today.

You know, I was going to start with Jesse but, Geraldo, I’m so distracted by your amazing haircut that I feel we have to go to you first and find out what you think about this, especially with people that are allies of the administration saying that there is reset needed.

GERALDO RIVERA, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT-AT-LARGE: Well, let me return the compliment. I think your hair is sensational, also.

PERINO: Thank you.

RIVERA: OK. Listen. I think that, I got a dose of humility in the last couple of weeks when I came down as positive for COVID despite the fact that I was vaccinated twice and then boosted. You know, so I had a great faith in Dr. Fauci and in science that has been in some regard undermined.

I will say however, I really, really dislike when people like Senator Marshall of Kansas speaks to Fauci in such disrespectful tones, it really is so very distracting. But I think that everybody now recognizes the fact that COVID has outsmarted us.

Still, I have to stress that I want everyone to get vaccinated. It’s very clear as in my case that if you are vaccinated, this virulent disease that, Dana, as you pointed out that hit 1.5 many people yesterday alone in this country. You know, it can be managed, if not defeated, at least we can keep it at bay and stay out of the ICU, Dana.

PERINO: That’s one thing, Dagen, I mentioned, I said in the read, there is a 1.5 million cases yesterday but that doesn’t count people one, who had a home test and didn’t report it, or who are feeling poorly. We know just even for anecdotally and especially if you look at factories and the economy that businesses taking a hit because so many workers are out sick.

DAGEN MCDOWELL, FOX NEWS BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: Indeed, that’s, you know, five-day quarantine but you can’t really go back to work unless you are able to get a test. But, I mean, maybe this is best left unsaid but if Donald Trump was still the president or any Republican was still in the White House and we had nearly one a half million people who are testing positive for COVID, two years into this, from the left, it would be Armageddon.

CNN would just go full numbers scrolling across the screen and Jim — they would break in for Jim Acosta to like sob and squeal and moan about how awful it was. And this in fact is a big blue state story in terms of the number of cases per 100,000 people.

The big — the biggest outbreaks are in Rhode Island, New York and New Jersey and they are 77 percent fully vaccinated. Rhode Island, and then 73 percent and 71 percent in New Jersey. Again, if it was the red states, the left would be —


MCDOWELL: — vilifying those governors and those officials in those states. But Fauci deserves every harsh word that he gets and I’m surprised you don’t get four letters, because this has been two years of pure hackery and more honoree and misinformation.

And I think at this point, it is by design because not one size fits all when it comes to COVID. The risks are not the same. We should be able to assess our own risks and move on. But that means having access to information. And, a lot of it. And there isn’t any.

In fact, the CDC is restricting information at this point rather than releasing it. They told the advisory committee on immunizations that they were going to cut back on the meetings this year —


MCDOWELL: — so the decisions are going to be made internally, not open to public discussion. And there are 21,000 employees at the CDC who still can’t tell people basic statistics about things like natural immunity. And this is straight from Marty Makary. So, this is all by design. My father would do a better job in front of Congress than Tony Fauci does.

PERINO: Greg, hod did you see it today?

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: Well, I’m just glad that our president is devoting time today to this, you know, and not leading a deliberate political stunt that is going to end in defeat.

You know, it’s interesting how every time something happens with COVID that is serious the Democrats are always doing something politically symbolic that has nothing to do with it, whether it was impeachment one or impeachment two, or the committees or this.

It’s a — there is a lot of disrespect to go around. I don’t mind the experts being wrong, because stuff keeps changing, but they should show some respect to the people who turned out to be right. You know?

There were a lot of predictions about people who didn’t die from COVID but died with COVID. You’re looking at — we should be looking at the death rates, not case rates. We’ve been saying that forever because we know that Omicron is a mild — you know, it’s just a mild strain and the lockdowns are almost useless. We’ve been talking about this forever.

I get a sense, you know, and I was watching the Fauci standoff part 700, and I get a sense that we are very close to the end of this movie because –


GUTFELD: — the actors and the actresses appear exhausted, to the point where their pronouncements are just fundamentally meaningless. Right? It’s like, you just, Fauci, Rand Paul, get a divorce. You know? And it’s like, and because we have had it. We are the kids here.


GUTFELD: And like I said before, we are in charge. The experts and the leaders are no longer in charge. They thought they were in charge but it’s just because the American public let them be in charge until we had enough. And the perfect example is, I think in Chicago right now, the teachers unions are coming to some kind of, quote, “agreement,” when in fact, they read the handwriting on the blackboard that the public is sick of you.


GUTFELD: We are sick of you. You got to stop this because we are coming after you. We are suing you. And then all of a sudden, you know, now they are back at the table negotiating. The public is right on target for the February 1st pandemic deadline, you can feel it in the air. People want to get back to work, they want to get back to their lives.

PERINO: In fact, to that point — gosh, I just said to that point.

GUTFELD: To your point.

PERINO: I think it was on the Gallup poll today, Jesse, 60 percent of people said that they were against any sort of remote school regard — let alone school closures.

The other thing that’s about to happen is, you are going to see a lot of mask shaming because now all of a sudden, you can see it in the media, all the headlines about the types of masks that you should have. We’ve all known that the N95 masks do protect you the best but, you know, they are also needed in hospitals and in high-risk situations.

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Yes, if we need N95, set us a bunch of free ones. We’ve been wearing masks that don’t work for two years, now you want us to trust you. And to Geraldo’s point, who said he’s now been humbled by the pandemic. I guess we know what the pandemic silver lining was. That’s good to know.

The — here’s a story about every pandemic political article that’s been written, Dana. Is that, Joe Biden was supposed to stop this pandemic dead in its tracks. He was supposed to shoot lasers out of his aviators and destroy every single wave as it popped up.

Now why did we believe that? Because the Democrats and the media told us that Joe cared more than Trump. That he was going to follow the science so that he was competent. Now was any of that true? It was a political narrative that they sold us to win the election. It was fake news.

And now Joe Biden has fallen victim to his own fake news hype machine. And don’t take it from me. Take it from Joe. He told ABC News that he — nothing has been good enough. He told ABC News that he didn’t see the last two waves coming. He’s been slow on therapeutics, he’s been slow on testing, he’s got a bigger death toll than Trump.

And now we are almost reaching 2,000 deaths per day. We haven’t had that since the peak of Delta in September. So, at this point, you have no more major legislation that’s going to come out of the Biden administration. At this point, they only had COVID relief and infrastructure, not sexy enough to turn out anybody.

Build Back Better is dead, this voting takeover thing is dead. They are going to come in, they are going to — Republicans are just going to make gargantuan gains in the midterms. They are going to control all the committees. They are going to drive Fauci crazy.

Fauci will retire the second Republicans take over the House. I guarantee you, he won’t be able to take the heat. That’s how the story ends.

PERINO: OK. Well, I think everyone’s hair looks good also for the record.

GUTFELD: I got a haircut yesterday. You don’t see me bragging. You people make me sick.


PERINO: I think your haircut looks great. But didn’t — but Geraldo’s was —


RIVERA: I said I was more humble, not humble.

WATTERS: More humble. OK.

MCDOWELL: Dana, you have the best hair, though.

PERINO: All right. I like your hair, too. Mutual admiration society here on THE FIVE. Also coming up, President Biden is out in Georgia pushing what Republicans call a federal takeover of elections.


WATTERS (on camera): President Biden in Georgia pushing Democrats to blow up long-standing Senate filibuster rules so that his party can ram through so-called voting rights legislation. The plan would nationalize elections. And Republicans are blasting it just as a desperate ploy to help Democrats in the midterms.


BIDEN: Jim Crow 2.0 is about two insidious things. Voter suppression and election subversion.


BIDEN: I’ve been having these quiet conversations to the members of Congress for the last two months. I’m tired of being quiet.


BIDEN: Today, making it clear. To protect our democracy, I support changing the Senate rules, whichever way they need to be changed to prevent —


BIDEN: — a minority of senators from blocking actions on voting rights. The consequential moments in history, they present the choice do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace?


WATTERS (on camera): What a puppet. But guess who couldn’t be bothered to show up? Stacey Abrams, another left-wing activist decided to snub Biden’s event. The activist saying they’ve had enough of speeches and photo ops but Biden doesn’t seem to think there is any bad blood between him and Abrams. Listen.


UNKNOWN: Are you insulted she’s skipping the speech?

BIDEN: I’m insulted you asked the question. I spoke with Stacey this morning. We have a great relationship. We got our scheduling mixed up, I’m going to be — I talked with at length this morning, we’re all on the same page and everything is fine.


WATTERS (on camera): Dana, do you get your scheduling mixed up with the president of the United States?

PERINO: When the president of the United States says I’ll be there tomorrow at 10, you drop everything —


PERINO: — so that you can be there especially if it’s your signature issue.


PERINO: This is the issue, remember, she never conceded that she had lost in the Georgia election and she’s been traveling the country on a speaking tour to try to drive this message home. In fact, arguably she has done a lot more to try to advance this issue than Biden and Harris have done.

And now at the last minute because Build Back Better didn’t work out, and the left-wing is freaking out, and you have Michelle Obama weighing in, you have the administration without ever having given the American people a speech about like why this needs to happen.

Today, when the president says I’m tired of being quiet, he yelled the entire time. And while he is doing that, the NAACP, for example, they’re putting out a statement saying, you haven’t done enough.

So, here’s what’s going to happen. Once again, strategically they’ve overpromised, they are going to under deliver. Midterm elections are about turning out the base. The base — forget about the Republicans being in opposition. Like the fact that the Democrats can’t even work together on this and that Stacey Abrams in Georgia had a scheduling conflict.

I can’t even imagine what that phone call was like between, you know, Ron Klain, perhaps the chief of staff and Stacey Abrams office. And then I’m sure that Biden and Stacey Abrams had a nice chat today but she — you notice she didn’t change her schedule. I mean, what was so pressing that she couldn’t be there with the president today?

Last thing I would point out is there are some students in Arizona and one of the colleges who have said they are going to go on hunger strike until this law is passed and the filibuster is changed. So, keep your eye on that.

WATTERS: God, I hope they had a big dinner before they announce that. Greg, maybe Stacey Abrams was writing another one of her erotic novels. She couldn’t be bothered.

GUTFELD: I have all of them at home. Original copies I might add. Anyway – –


WATTERS: You mention at the top of the show about how, I mean, this just seems ridiculous in light of everything else that’s going on in the country.

GUTFELD: Yes. And you know, I mean, it’s great when he mentions George Wallace because, whose side was George Wallace on? Who’s on Joe Biden. Joe Biden bragged about the fact that George Wallace liked Joe Biden.

I don’t know what the activist are so upset about Joe. Because moderate Joe is dead. He’s buried. What you got — what you saw up there is some guy who wants to federalize elections, he is splitting the country in half with divisive earsplitting rhetoric like a dementia a riddled transient shouting at clouds.

I mean, and it’s all for something that, I don’t think he’s going to be able to pass with 48 votes. Speaking of which, how can he keep redefining majority as minority? Like, how does one side with more votes than you become a minority, I don’t get that.

And what voting rights are we talking about denying? As far as I know if you’re an American citizen and you are of certain age, you can vote. I mean, unless you want to get specific. Is he talking about a murderer who doesn’t have an I.B.? Because I want to know who we are denying.

Like, how hard and why — it sounds to me that we’re all about getting an easier — getting people to vote, getting it and making it easier. And now, finally, we got to look at our Republican patsies. You got played by the Dems with this January 6th anniversary.

I’m wondering next year how they are going to use January 6th again, what catastrophe will the next anniversary feed into? Will they be able to ban forms of speech because of January 6th? Will they be able to force more CRT in the schools because of January 6th?

Every year we get to look forward to the use of January 6th as a ploy to create a scared population, to scare them stupid so they are actually on the same wavelength as Joe Biden.

WATTERS: Dagen McDowell?

MCDOWELL: I like Greg’s point. This is like, Joe Biden and company are not reading what happened today. This is when you invite a lot of folks to a party and it scheduled at a very convenient time, it’s right after work. You just have to come by right on your way home, you know.

It’s right, it’s on the bypass, you just, you know, I live in an apartment. It’s next door to your office building. You can come in, I got punched, I got white cloth, whatever you need to. Nobody showed up to Biden’s party and I’m sure that they anticipated what he was going to say.

Bringing up George Wallace? Can you, I mean, they would be standing on stage with a steaming, flaming sack of Joe. Him talking about George Wallace? And then, whom, as Greg pointed out, he was a Democrat but Biden once bragged about, you know, Wallace paying him a compliment.

And then, and then, he always brings up like the Edmund Pettus Bridge named after grand dragon and the Klan. Joe Biden gave a eulogy a little more than a decade ago for an exalt — excuse me, former exalted cyclops of the Klan, Robert Byrd. So, he constantly reinforces the fact that he is old and used to be friends with racist and segregationist.

WATTERS: And the lie, Geraldo, from Biden is that the state’s cracked down on voting. No, they didn’t. I think they just made it easier to cheat. easier to vote and harder to cheat.

RIVERA: Well, Jesse, I think that what happened today was a pretty good speech that got wasted. Yes, the volume was all the way, you know, was nailed unfortunately but the language, a dagger at the throat of democracy turning point in the course of the nation, you would think that this was really, really an important thing.

But what is voting rights really about? I mean, I bet most of us and most of the people watching right now have no idea what exactly is in this legislation. You know, it’s really about —


WATTERS: I do. Can I read it to you, Geraldo?


WATTERS: All right. Here we go.

RIVERA: You read —

WATTERS: I’ll read it. It eliminates voter I.D. Election Day starts two weeks before election and then you get an extra week to count the votes. So, election day is actually three weeks. The mass mail out absentee ballot application makes it harder to clean up the voter rolls and you don’t even need a signature on your absentee ballot. All right?


RIVERA: Well, now, they —

WATTERS: And Geraldo, here is my favorite. Hold — hold on. This is my personal favorite. You are allowed to serve food at a polling station. Can you smell the barbecue, Geraldo? I mean, I would vote Democrat if I was so hungry.


RIVERA: That’s — why would give you barbecue, that’s racist.

WATTERS: If you give me cheeseburger, I’ll vote for whoever you want, Geraldo.

RIVERA: All right. Just because you got a primetime show doesn’t mean that you get to glom my time on this program.

WATTERS: Yes, you have all the time you need.

RIVERA: The fact of the matter is, what is this about? This is about mail- in ballots. trump lost because of mail-in ballots, because the regulations were loosened because of COVID. So, you had a huge flow of mail-in ballots.

I don’t know if they were legitimate or not. I assume they were legitimate most of them, because of the various reviews that took place. So, it’s about that and it’s about voter I.D.

As a member of a racial minority and also 10 percent Native American, I resent the notion that people like me are too incapable of getting a voter identification. Getting an I.D. card. Why don’t — why doesn’t everyone in this country, if we are talking about nationalizing election, if nationalizing elections means that everybody gets a voter I.D., maybe with the Social Security number written on it, everyone should have an I.D.

Everybody in this country should have an I.D. And if you have an I.D., you should be able, and if you’re a citizen of the country and you have the residency requirements established, you should be able to vote.

Now, mail-in ballots, the problem with that is harvesting ballots. And if they sent them to everybody you are going to have some slick start going door to door and saying, hey, Mollie, did you fill in your mail, give me your ballot, or you didn’t fill it in, I’ll help you fill it in. It’s hard — that’s the danger —


RIVERA: — and I think that Republicans are right to oppose it.

WATTERS: Well, this is a pro-harvesting bill and it’s not going to pass. And that’s a fact. Up next, Joe Biden getting busted by fed up Americans after claiming there was never a supply chain crisis.


GUTFELD: President Biden looking pretty foolish after boasting right before Christmas that he had averted the supply chain crisis.


BIDEN: The much-predicted crisis didn’t occur. Packages are moving, gifts are being delivered, shelves are not empty.


GUTFELD: But try telling that to Americans flooding social media with photos of empty stores and the #BareShelvesBiden. It’s not just social media, local news outlets also reporting on how people can’t find certain products when they go shopping. And I know Jesse’s been having a hell of a time finding moose but we’re working on it.

You know, Jesse, only — I’m going to sound like a red meat delivery man, but only a Democrat could create skirt scarcity in the most abundant country we’ve ever seen in the history of the world. It only — why does this only happen when there are Democrats? I don’t get it.

WATTERS: I love red meat. I’m glad you asked me that question, Greg. What happened was everybody caught the Cron over Christmas. And then they came back to work, got tested, tested positive, and then their boss made them quarantine for five to 10 days. And thousands of these people work in the food supply distribution. And that’s why you’re seeing a lot of empty shelves on the store and it’s creating scarcity.

So, there’s a fear factor because prices are going up. And there’s economic anxiety because people can’t afford it. And Joe just isn’t tethered to that economic anxiety, the rise in the cost of living, and that’s why he’s getting hammered right now.

But I myself have suffered from empty store shelves. We shop where we get the groceries delivered to, you know, maximize efficiency. And the woman from the grocery store called me and she said, Mr. Watters, we do not have the bone-in rib eye.

GUTFELD: Oh, not the bone in.

WATTERS: We only have the boneless rib eye. And I said fine, it’s not the same. And then she said, Mr. Watters, we don’t have the hickory smoked bacon, we only have the applewood. And I’m like, now I’m getting nervous. And then she said finally, Mr. Watters, we just have run out of the chicken liver pate. Are we living in Venezuela?

GUTFELD: I don’t know.

WATTERS: I mean, what are we doing here, people?

GUTFELD: Jesse, you truly — in this pandemic, you truly are a first responder when it comes to gourmet food. And it’s because you’re there that we learn about these shortages. You’re doing — you’re doing God’s work.

WATTERS: Thank you.

GUTFELD: You know, Dagen, the problem — you know, Jesse brought up the thing about how Biden is untethered really to this anxiety. But he was sold to us as political Xanax, right? We did four years of Trump meth, and we were supposed to all relax now because we got Joe Biden. And it turns out, it’s not that he’s calm, it said he’s untethered to the anxiety.

He’s oblivious to all the crap that we’re going through. And we thought that that would be calming, but it’s actually the opposite.

MCDOWELL: And he doesn’t even try to hide the fact that he’s completely disconnected from reality. What were — who told him about the half price of meat? Remember it was like some —

PERINO: Marianne.

MCDOWELL: Marianne. Somebody told me that he couldn’t get the bacon at the store. It is a hardship, not an inconvenience for most Americans. And tomorrow morning, we’re going to get the consumer price index for December. It’s going to be up seven percent year over year, highest in almost 40 years. So the American people already know this.

By the way, my store shelves in my neighborhood are bare because of thievery and shoplifting, not because of supply shortages. But I will tell you that Jay Powell, the head of the Federal Reserve, has come out and said, in essence, I paraphrase, I’m not playing your reindeer games anymore, Joey. They’re going to start tightening monetary policy.

They’re not going to be buying any more Treasury debt. So, they’ve been sopping up more than half the Treasury debt issued by these spendthrift Democrats. They’re going to start raising interest rates because inflation is a concern, and they’re going to start reducing that what $9 trillion balance sheet.

It’s — he’s fighting inflation, Jay Powell, the head of the Fed, but it’s going to get ugly for Joey and company.

GUTFELD: You know, Geraldo, there’s nothing wrong with saying this too shall pass. But that’s not a strategy, that’s a comfort. And it look — it feels like that’s Biden’s only thing. It’s like, well, this will — this will happen and then everything will be fine. But he’s not actually — the only thing he’s passing is gas.

RIVERA: But aside from the flatulence, I think that this too shall pass.


RIVERA: You know, Biden is — Biden is unlucky. He didn’t expect the country to be this successful economically speaking. He didn’t expect people recovering from being cooped up for a couple of years to want to spend money. Even as prices were going up, people still want it to buy. Demand is still in intense.

And I think that ultimately is a good thing, unemployment just 3.9 percent. He should really be singing the virtue of an economy that’s humming. And I think that Powell and the Fed guys will control inflation in the next quarter or so. I’m not frightened by it. I think that bare shelves now will mean abundant shelves in a couple of weeks.

GUTFELD: What do you say to that, Dana?

PERINO: Well, we should all be so lucky, right? I mean, I don’t know if luck is really what we’re hoping for. I will tell you, I was a victim of the bare shelves. Not so much. Well, but when I didn’t feel well over Christmas, my mom said you need to get a Chloraseptic spray. And I love that stuff as a kid when I used to get strep throat.

So, Peter goes out, goes to all the stores. There’s no cold medicine. The only thing that they had for a sore throat was something that like a spray for children. So, I got that. And then I ended up passing it on to the Fritz family because —

WATTERS: The Fritz.

PERINO: Not very good. The Fritz.

GUTFELD: The Fritz. I knew it was going to always get back to the Fritz.

PERINO: Well, I only have 10 seconds. I can bring them up.

GUTFELD: Yes. You know, I went to the furniture store. And you know what I noticed? The shelves were full of shelves, so there you go. You know, it seemed more interesting in my head before it came out of my mouth, which explains my entire life.

Straight ahead, comedian Bill Maher calling out woke liberals who despise red America.


RIVERA: Comedian Bill Maher torturing sanctimonious liberals for their intolerance and tendency to demonize and denigrate those on the right. Maher explaining in a new interview why he actually loves performing in red states while pushing back against those on the political left who consider themselves to be superior.

He said, “I constantly say it. You can hate Trump. You can’t hate all the people who like Trump. It’s half the country. And you can’t set yourself up as some sort of superior moral paragon, because this is your political belief and somebody else has another one. I feel like that’s the Achilles heel of the left right now. They identify issues mostly by what they can feel superior to another person for.”

I heard that, Greg, and it was very interesting to me because it reminded me of the book I read almost 10 years ago. They use the language of outrage to score points against people they don’t like, what make themselves feel important. I hate the outrage so much. You can say I’m outraged by their outrage. A funny thing about tolerant people, they’re really only tolerant when you agree with them, said Greg Gutfeld, in Joy of Hate.

So, great minds think alike. But it is true, isn’t it that, you know, there is this superiority of one faction over the other?

GUTFELD: Geraldo, I think I love you because I have been wanting to quote from that book for like ever, because that was the first one. That was — that’s like 10 years ago when I was writing about the —

RIVERA: Right.

GUTFELD: — this new — this new kind of intolerance. It’s kind of sad that Bill Maher has to defend himself for not despising 70 million people. But because of this modern wokeism which is it’s — he’s a liberal, but his party isn’t.

His party has been infected by the — by a virus that tells you, you cannot mix with other people. So, you’re not supposed to talk to Trump supporters, you’re supposed to have ideas of segregation. And if you — and if you dare mix with these people, well, then you’ll get infected too and you’ll be just as evil as they are.

What he’s trying to say is the only way you’re going to get out of your bubble, is by talking to people who are different from you. And if you stay in that bubble, you’re just going to be dumb, boring, and wrong.

RIVERA: And Dana, when you are in the center of all the action in D.C., you dealt with the moral superiority of liberals. Cheney was Darth Vader, Karl Rove was Bush’s brain, etcetera.

PERINO: Oh, everyone thought, you know, that President Bush was stupid. It was a ridiculous notion. And the other thing is about Bill Maher, whether you can — you can trace it back to one particular moment, I think, on the campaign trail that led to the Trump supporters feeling very much like they could all band together, and that was when Hillary Clinton called them a basket of deplorables.

And many of — you can imagine what was happening in progressive cloakrooms all across the country and in the bars. They were saying, yes, exactly. She nailed it. And then they realize their mistake, and they’ve been trying to make up for it in a way ever since.

It’ll be interesting to see if Bill Maher is recruited to run for the presidency, actually, because it’s only somebody like that. The last thing I would say is that we grow up and we learn about the importance of forgiveness and grace. And there’s also the great American tradition of this melting pot that we have, lots of ideas. We need to return to that in some way. Well, in a big way, right away.

RIVERA: I agree. I agree. And Dagen, though, I’ve heard your voice drip with contempt when you hear a leftist or a hypocrite. You really — I always blamed Imus (PH) for, you know, poisoning your well.

MCDOWELL: No, I’ve lived in New York almost 30 years and the liberal humorless haughty scolds, they’re really not any fun to be around. And from Bill Maher’s perspective, they’re really not much fun to perform in front of.

Can you imagine like, you take the panel on The View and multiply it by 100 or 1000, and you have to perform in front of that. Though sneering gasbags. You know, I think shouting into the belly of a Porta-John for free would be more palatable.

GUTFELD: I’ve done that.

RIVERA: And Jesse, first of all, again, congratulations to you. That’s a vivid metaphor right there. But Jesse, liberals are hateful and their institutions can really give it — give you the business. But when they praise you, when the enemy praises you like the New York Times did today, isn’t that especially pleasant?

WATTERS: I don’t think the Times praised me. I’d have to read the article. But just hearing that The Times praise me doesn’t sound true, Geraldo. So, I’m not going to take that as face value.

RIVERA: Well, they said something nice about your mother. They said something nice about your mom.

WATTERS: Right. And my mother’s a liberal. And if I — if I hated all liberals, then I’d have to hate my whole family because my whole family is liberal. But I was struck by the Achilles heel analogy and I investigated it.

It turns out so this Achilles kid in Greek mythology, the doctor said he was going to die young so his mom took him to the River Styx and dipped him in this very enchanted water and made him invincible. But when she dipped him in, she grabbed them by the ankle. So, the Achilles heel didn’t actually get dipped in the magical current. So, he grew up very, very big, strong, and powerful, but he ended up dying by a poisonous arrow that punctured his Achilles heel.


WATTERS: I bet no one knows that. I bet nobody knew that.

RIVERA: And Jesse, I’m so impressed with your Greek mythology —

PERINO: The more you know. The more you know.

RIVERA: And it was really irrelevant to this discussion, but very interesting.

WATTERS: No, it wasn’t.

RIVERA: The worst husband ever. Up next the entire internet furious about what one man said about his wife on social media.


MCDOWELL: A politician in Canada getting mocked as the worst husband ever after posting this photo to Twitter of his wife shoveling snow, saying, “Even after a 12-hour shift at the hospital last night, my wife still has the energy to shovel the driveway. God bless her and all our frontliners. Time to make her some breakfast.”

Now, his wife does say she wanted to shovel and it was enjoyable. Greg, if a woman posted this about her husband, nobody would say boo. So, this is sexist.

GUTFELD: No, I think he should be immortalized in a statue as the modern male feminist. He looked at his exhausted wife and he said, you go girl. I hoped you had the energy at least after that to do his laundry and make him a sandwich.

MCDOWELL: Dana, you go girl.

PERINO: Well, the only thing is Twitter is like — you don’t always have to tweet. Did I just turned — faded to black.

GUTFELD: Yes, back to me now.

MCDOWELL: There you go.

PERINO: Hi. Yes, Twitter is stupid. How about that?

MCDOWELL: Geraldo?

RIVERA: I think he should have shoveled the driveway before his wife got home but I’m crazy.

MCDOWELL: Yes, Jesse.

WATTERS: This is Canada. This is the new modern man in Canada. There are no gender roles anymore in Canada we were told.

GUTFELD: That’s true.

WATTERS: So, he should be encouraging her and making her a nice sausage and egg breakfast. This is what the left wants remember? Let them have it.

MCDOWELL: Yes. If somebody took a photo of me like that shoveling snow, well, that shovel wouldn’t be used for picking up snow. That does it for us, everybody. “ONE MORE THING” up next.


PERINO: It is time now for “ONE MORE THING. Hey, Greg. Why don’t you kick us off?

GUTFELD: Let’s do this. Greg’s Neighborly News, now with more neighbors. You know, it’s hard when you’re — when you — when your neighbors don’t get along. You don’t know how to have an effective argument if things don’t go well. So, here’s what these two guys do. They just sit there and they just spend all the time to spit sand at each other.

This is their version of the Second Amendment, by the way. This is how they protect their territory. Look at that. They’ve been doing this for hours. He’s going to go back down and then he’s going to come back out. He’s getting some sand. He’s going to come out. You just wait. He’s ready. I can literally watch this for hours and I just might and invite all the viewers just sit here. Forget “SPECIAL REPORT” with Bret Baier.

PERINO: This is like a fish Twitter fight.

GUTFELD: Yes it is.

WATTERS: It’s like Geraldo and Bongino.


PERINO: All right, hey, Jesse, what do you got?

RIVERA: Tomorrow night.

WATTERS: All right, so Bret Baier has a charity event in Naples, Florida on February 19. It’s the all-star panel event. It benefits the Children’s National Hospital. I’m going to be there with Brian Kilmeade, Dana, Harris Faulkner, and Shannon Bream. There’s going to be a silent and live auction. You get all kinds of goodies.

One of the things you can bid on, you can bid on my “ONE MORE THING.” So, I will give you a minute, a minute 30, and I will sell or say whatever you want on national television. Also, wow, you can bid on having dinner with me and Emma, my wife, at Campiello’s in Naples, Florida. It’s for charity, all right. It all goes to the children. So, you take me and my wife out to dinner for the children.

GUTFELD: What a scam.

WATTERS: It’s a great deal? all-starpanelevent.com. Go there for tickets.

PERINO: Did you run this by the ethics office?


PERINO: I like it though. I like it. I’m going to be there and that’s a great event. All right, Dagen.

MCDOWELL: You lead your Georgia Bulldogs to a national championship and you’re also the MVP. What do you do? Party. Except you got to get up and do the early morning talk show. Here’s Stetson Bennett on Good Morning America.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have you had a chance to get any sleep?

STETSON BENNETT, QUARTERBACK: No, you know, a few hours. Not many. I’ve been wondering about — yes, no, not many.


MCDOWELL: (INAUDIBLE) that’s my only advice. Congratulations, you Bulldogs.

PERINO: All right, Geraldo.

RIVERA: Time for Geraldo’s Geraldo news with Geraldo about the hair. You know, one thing has remained the same over the years, I’ve always had been stuck in the 70s with the shag. But over the past few weeks, it just got my main untamed, took a trip to the barber, the barber’s name Elmer Bilek B-I- L-E-K. If you’re in the Cleveland area, you too can look groomed.

PERINO: You did a nice job. I thought it was maybe because ended up with COVID, you’re like all right, I’m giving it up my hair.

RIVERA: Yes. I’m sick of it.

PERINO: We’re glad you’re healthy and you look great.

RIVERA: Thank you. Thank you.

PERINO: That’s it for us, everyone. “SPECIAL REPORT” is up next. Hi, Bret!

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